Project Focus: Chop Suey Gets a New Identity

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At WAU we are lucky to have a pretty talented, eclectic crew! We have artists and designers, skiers and snowboarders, and coincidentally: a bunch of musicians. Between performing at shows or going to see shows, Seattle based Chop Suey is a place many of us have frequented over the years. A staple of Capitol Hill, Chop Suey has been at the forefront of Seattle’s music scene for some time now. So when we got the call to help them develop a new brand identity and logo, we didn’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity.

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The direction that we pursued ended up being a version that included a stylized soundwave that actually spells out "chop suey".  Using Garage Band we recorded the soundwave and implemented various iterations which ultimately landed us on a final version that wen to print.

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Working with the team at Chop Suey to create their new ogo identity was somewhat of a teenage dream for us but also a great way to leave our mark on Seattle’s music scene. Keep an eye out for the new branding on their marquee and on show posters!


Ben Busy; An Art Show


Project Focus: Wrapping Up a Branding and Kickstarter for LOGE Camps